Thursday, April 17, 2008


Let's talk about randomness.

I'd say having at least a random dream every single night since 2 weeks ago until now would be the beginning of this random frenzy. Randomness strikes randomly as you'll never know when you'll get hit by it. Randomness would be the son of a single father named Stone, in other words, randomness is the effect of being stoned.

Randomness has its benefits too. Sometimes, it ables you to see the bigger picture of that particular situation. Sometimes, it helps you realize what you really want. Sometimes, it helps you to realize what is important and what is not. Sometimes, it even helps you to understand things better.

Now, let's talk about timing.

Timing would be a daughter of a single mother named fate, as timing always come after fate, and not before. Without fate, there would be no timing, but this doesn't work in the family of randomness and stone, as you'll still get hit by randomness even if you're not stoned. Timing exists to only help you realize that you're fated to do something, to being that someone yourself, or to be with someone. Stone exists to only give chance for randomness to strikes.

I believe after all the 22 years of my life, I got to know a little more deeper and understood a little more clearer about their each respective roles in our lives. They need each other as much as we need friends and family in our lives now.

What a random entry.

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