Friday, March 21, 2008


As usual, went to AC to brunch with them today, and I discovered something ! Something that I least expected, something that I thought it's not what I thought I saw at first, something that I thought it is not real. But in fact, it is tangible and it is real !

Okay, so now let me reveal to you guys on what I saw.

Taa Daa ! I saw this !

Lolz !! Yeap, there's no doubt about it, and you did not see wrongly ! It is what you think it is ! Okay, let me tell you guys what it is. It is an Ultraman Tissue Pack. Yes, Ultraman, I did not spell wrongly and you did not read wrongly.

Guess in whose back I found this? It is in Sandbag Tan's bag ! It was so friggin funny when I show it to Justin, lolol, and I snapped a photo of it as an evidence of the existence of such thing that Sandbag has in his bag !

This is so unbelievable, Lolz !

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