Monday, March 9, 2009

It has been more than a month since my last entry posted. I do not know what is the meaning of blogging anymore. There's so much I wanted to say but I do not know where should I start. I have lots of things in mind til I feel that it is starting to overflow.

The word "worry" has been a very good friend of mine for the past one month, and it still is now. I should go to bed since I still have to work on the public holiday tomorrow, but heck I am still here, trying to blog an entry that I do not know what to type.

Life has not been easy to me lately, in fact it never has. I don't usually talk if there is no need for me to talk, except when I am pretty lame and being with some close friends. In other words, I guess I am not those 'open' type of people. I guess I am just me. Yeah, this is me.

Can you open a door with the right key? Is anyone out there?

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